Come here when you are feeling lonely, need a smile, or want to feel a spark of hope…a hope for love and kindness in this world that we share together. There are so many wonderful and positive people and events that are happening all around us that show the kindness and love that we share with each other and give us hope for the future.

If you have come to this blog from a kindness card given to you, take some time to look around and read a few stories of hope, kindness, and love. I hope that the kindness act you received brightened your day, and that it will inspire you to pass it on.

We all share and live in this crazy, wonderful world together. We must learn to treasure each stranger we meet on the street, as we are all facing our own battles. Accept and appreciate our differences and learn from one another’s experiences. Share love and kindness with your neighbor, and have hope for one another and our future.

It would be a great honor if you followed this blog by clicking on "follow" at the bottom of this page. Please take some time to look around, leave a comment, and be inspired. Thank you and God bless!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Finding friendship and love in a time of tragedy...

How do we recover from a tragedy so severe that it shook us to the deepest core of our being? How do we regain our faith and security when it feels like it has been ripped from our souls?...........We gain it through the love shown by strangers - we gain it through the support shown by others - we gain it through the prayers that are provided - and most of all, we gain it through the comfort knowing that God's love rises above it all

God Sent a Guardian Angel to a Newtown Family That Lost a Child:

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