Come here when you are feeling lonely, need a smile, or want to feel a spark of hope…a hope for love and kindness in this world that we share together. There are so many wonderful and positive people and events that are happening all around us that show the kindness and love that we share with each other and give us hope for the future.

If you have come to this blog from a kindness card given to you, take some time to look around and read a few stories of hope, kindness, and love. I hope that the kindness act you received brightened your day, and that it will inspire you to pass it on.

We all share and live in this crazy, wonderful world together. We must learn to treasure each stranger we meet on the street, as we are all facing our own battles. Accept and appreciate our differences and learn from one another’s experiences. Share love and kindness with your neighbor, and have hope for one another and our future.

It would be a great honor if you followed this blog by clicking on "follow" at the bottom of this page. Please take some time to look around, leave a comment, and be inspired. Thank you and God bless!


If you are reading this, I wanted to thank you for checking out Hope for Love and Kindness.  This is a blog that I’m starting to hope to make a difference.  I’ve spent too many nights lying wide awake wondering what I can do to make a difference in this world.  When I think about all of the problems we have in today’s society, I would get so overwhelmed and left feeling pretty helpless.  I finally realized that I may not be able to change the world by myself, but I can take one small step towards a better future filled with love and kindness and encourage others to do the same.  Maybe every once in a while you too, have wanted to make a difference, but just didn’t know where to start…well let’s start here.  One small act of kindness at a time, who knows where it will lead us.  I am not even for sure where this blog will lead me…who knows, maybe with the help of you we can start a movement, perhaps even have a nonprofit organization, change a town, a state, a country...or maybe my mom will be the only one who reads this (hi mom!).  All I know is that I’ve spent way too many hours and sleepless night s wondering what I can do to make a difference, and hopeforloveandkindness will be my first step. 

I hope that you will take some time to look around the blog:  it’s just getting started, but I hope to fill it with positive and inspiring words and stories of hope, kindness, and love to inspire others to make a change.  I encourage you to submit stories of your own to prove that this world really is filled with positive people and events, and not just the devastating news we hear and read about.  I think together, we really can make a difference.  

The greatest blessing in my life:  My Family
Dad (Gary), brother Jake, me, and mom (Cindy)

I am so thankful for the love and laughter my family shared

My fiance Bart keeps me grounded

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